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"You are braver than you BELIEVE,
STRONGER than you seem, and
SMARTER than you think"
~Winnie the Pooh

Hi! I'm Lisa, a Licensed Counseling Therapist in New Brunswick, and owner of Clear View Psychotherapy. My goal is to help you better understand your own patterns, so that you can learn to let go, and live a more powerful, and fulfilling life. I believe our purpose on this beautiful place called "Earth" is to find peace, calmness, and live purposefully, and authentically. We all need someone sometimes, and it is my pleasure to walk beside you and help you grow.
Lisa Johnson Thebeau. MCP, LCT
Owner and Licensed Counselling Therapist
"Faith is a place of mystery where we find the courage TO BELIEVE IN what we cannot see and THE STRENGTH to let go of our fear OF UNCERTAINTY."
Brene Brown
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